Christina Juen-Wess
With her calm and very considered manner and the experience she has gained in top wineries all over Europe, Christina is not only one of the important pioneers in generating a new view of the Kremstal winegrowing region, but she is also setting a new example for many young women: Today, making a great wine is no longer dependent on physical strength, but on tact, professional knowledge, organisational talent and the ability to transform the characters of outstanding vineyards into emotional wines with empathy.

Philosophy & Vision
Christina can now build on her father's pioneering work to develop the winery further. A first decision was the conversion to organic (2024 will be the first organically certified vintage) and plastic-free cultivation. "Efficient and effective" is Christina and her husband David's motto. If you plan well and work with foresight, you have to intervene less afterwards and can offer the wines more room to develop.
Christina's career
Christina knew from a very early age that she wanted to become a winemaker. Her passion for the profession was passed on to her by her father Rainer. After and during her successful graduation from the HBLA for Wine & Fruit Growing in Klosterneuburg, she worked at various top wineries in Austria and abroad. Christina returns to the winery with the 2018 vintage.