David Juen

The Winemaker

As a passionate winemaker, David Juen embodies a new generation of Austrian winemakers. He loves his vineyards and dedicates himself fully to his work in the cellar, while also striving for a clear and visionary development of his winery. For David, sustainability encompasses ecological, economic, and social components, because a successful winery should not only be economically stable but also enjoyable for the people who run it, bring success, and provide a solid livelihood.


Sustainability & locations

David Juen took over the winery in 2023 and restructured it. He improved grape quality through more effective vineyard management, closely tied to precise scheduling. In addition, he allows his wines from prime sites to go through an extended maturation period in the barrel before they are released to the market.

Tasting at the winery

Cost & fall in love

I will be happy to taste our regional wines, local wines and single vineyard wines with you. The tasting lasts about 90 minutes and costs 32 euros per person (refund on purchases of 100 euros or more per person). 
Please make an appointment in good time. 

Arrange appointment

The winemaking

Longer ripeness & characters of the sites

Ried Pfaffenberg 1ÖTW, Ried Loibenberg und Ried Weinzierlberg 1ÖTW – David Juen legt großen Wert darauf, die geologischen Unterschiede dieser Lagen herauszuarbeiten. Von Löss- bis zu Urgesteinsböden mit Schieferanteilen spiegeln die Rebsorten Grüner Veltliner und Riesling die Vielfalt der Böden wider. Darüber hinaus bieten die steilen Weinberge des Kremstals bemerkenswerte klimatische Unterschiede – von warmen Zonen in der Nähe der Donau bis hin zu extrem kühlen Parzellen in höheren Lagen. Um diese einzigartigen Charaktere optimal herauszuarbeiten, gibt David seinen Weinen mehr Zeit zur Reifung. Besonders die Rieslinge lagern bei ihm mindestens ein Jahr länger, bevor sie auf den Markt kommen – auch wenn dies dem kommerziellen Mainstream widerspricht.


Wine tastings, events and functions

Singel Vineyard Summit

September 9, 2024 00:00
September 12, 2024 00:00
Traditional wineries
Grafenegg Castle

First layers presentation Grafenegg

September 7, 2024 00:00
Traditional wineries
Grafenegg Castle
to all dates